Architectural Foam Moulding layout and plant placement in dining room space

The layout of Architectural Foam Moulding and the placement of plants complement each other.

How to arrange the layout of feng shui ornaments in the home entrance.
Furnishings are indispensable for home furnishings. As the key point of home feng shui, how can it lack furnishings? How to arrange it to help the family and people? What items should be placed in the porch? The following editor will introduce you to the layout of the home porch feng shui decorations How to arrange.

Plant placement
Place a pot of vigorous plants next to the entrance gate, which is conducive to the gathering of family members’ property. Plants should be regularly added with water after being placed to prevent them from withering due to lack of water. Generally, they should be watered at least once a week to make the wealth fortune rise steadily. The plants at the entry point are generally the most suitable choice for the iron tree, the fortune tree, and the golden kudzu.
Placement of the fish tank
It has a great effect on improving personal wealth. When raising fish, remember to expose the water surface to form moisture. Do not use a closed aquarium.

Architectural Foam Moulding reflection
Many people like to place a large mirror on the left and right sides near the entrance. Generally, it is recommended that the mirror be placed behind the door. After opening the door, the door can block the mirror. This can resolve the unfavorable situation of the door and mirror hedging, on the contrary, it can increase wealth for the home.

Post time: Jan-19-2021